September 08, 2011

Pangya Pirates and Max's Birthday!

Another week has passed, another update has come!

For the first update, it's the somewhat Pirate-y themed event! For every 18th hole you played from a tourney or versus games, you'll get Pirate Coins! Those coins can be traded with items, and for those who are from USA/Canada, you can get a chance to win a trip to Las Vegas!

The second update is the minor Max's Birthday, login daily to receive 1 random Max Mask! And of course Max's outfits is on 30% discount sale, and comets, hat, and title are on sale on Pang shop.

Last update is the Dancer's set on Gacha! This set has actually been sitting for a long time in one of the PAKs, and they finally release this set.

And as a bonus, I'll present this disturbing picture:

GB.R5.611.01 Patch Note

#Gacha #30: Dancer Set for Hana, Cecilia, Kooh, Arin and Lucia!

#The Pirates of Pangya Island! Collect Gold Pirate Coins and take on Kooh's Challenge!
Participating in this event will give you a chance to win a trip to CES Las Vegas!
#Log-in every day to receive Max Mask.
#Gacha Bonus Reward - Play and Win!

#Max Birthday Comets, Titles and Hats are offered in Pangya Shop
#Many of Max's outfits are offered at a 30% discounted price.

#Swimsuit Poster Ver.1 and Snorkeling Goggles have been distributed to the players who qualified for the Gacha #29 Bonus Reward.
#Unopened Enchanted Elemental Crystals have been opened for you.

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