January 27, 2011

Kooh's Birthday! Again!

Come to think of it, she never gets older. Always the token loli of Pangya island.

Alright another bingo event for Kooh! This time the missions are a bit easier than last year's, and they have 3 Kooh Masks for the rewards! Although you may only get 3 masks for 3 random character, I hope I'll get those masks for Hana, Cecilia, and Nell.

Another caddy is joining the Pangya island! Tiki's twin sister, Mingti can be purchased for 7,000 points! Her stats are POW+2 and ACC+2, she'll be proven useful after the caddy upgrade system is implemented, because all point caddies will have CTR+2 stats!

Then there's the Hanbok sets, these sets will be available for a limited amount of time so get them while you can! This time Nell's Hanbok will also be available.

Another shop update, and since 2011 is the year of the rabbit, they're selling Bunny comets and Bunny Bands for all character!

For the last update, scratchy sets are updated with Hana's wedding set and Big Black Papel caddy! Big Black Papel will have a CTR+2 stat and an increased rain chance. Pretty useful if you use him with a Devil Wing item.

That's a lot of update for a 6 hour maintenance! But when will they add those robot sets for Nell? T_T

GB.R4.555.01 Patch Note

# Say Happy Birthday to Kooh. She will give you Kooh Birthday Title when you login.
# Play Kooh Birthday Bingo for awesome prizes!

# Big Black Papel and Hana Wedding has been added.

# New Caddie Mingti has arrived on Pangya Island. Hire her today!
# Bunny Bands and Bunny Comets are on sale to celebrate the year of rabbit.
# Hanboks are back. This time with a special hanbok for Nell.
# Kooh Bday Hat and Kooh Comets are on sale
# Many of Kooh’s Outfits are on 30% discounted price.

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